feedback from men
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    Matthew, 37 y.o.
    USA, Kayenta, AZ

    I found the love of my life here. This company runs an honest business. I will forever be grateful to them because my life will be better than ever before.
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    Steven, 59 y.o.
    USA, Girard, PA

    I have found a kindred spirit. I believe it was meant for us to find each other here. Her words are like music to my soul. I did not hesitate to let her know.
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    Stefano, 44 y.o.
    Italy, Roma

    thank you, your mission is gone in goal!
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    Daan, 33 y.o.
    Lebanon, Juniyah

    the site is great, i just am busy currently, i may come back again in the future. Thanks.
  • Engaged

    Martin, 35 y.o.
    Switzerland, Bern

    Lange habe ich nach der richtigen Frau gesucht. Unzählige Versuche sind schon beim kennenlernen gescheitert. Bis ich meine Verlobte hier kennen gelernt habe. Mit Ihr konnte ich über alles reden und hatte sofort schöne und anziehende Gefühle gehabt. Sofort hat es zwischen uns gefunkt. Nach 4 Monaten haben wir uns das erste Mal getroffen und in die Arme genommen. Schon bald werde ich der glücklichste Mann sein, denn ich darf ihr Ehemann werden.

    Dank dieser Seite habe ich meine Traumfrau endlich gefunden.

    Wüthrich Martin

    Долго я искал подходящую женщину. Бесчисленные попытки познакомиться не удавались. Пока я не встретил свою невесту здесь. С ней я могу говорить обо всем и сразу же ощутил красивые и восторженные чувства. Мгновенная искра пробежала между нами. Через 4 месяца мы встретились в первый раз и заключились в объятия. Скоро я буду самым счастливым человеком- я должен стать ее мужем.

    Благодаря этой странице я наконец нашел женщину своей мечты.
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    Bruno, 60 y.o.
    Italy, Milano

    Ho conosciuto una persona bella e importante grazie a Voi...
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    Patricio, 62 y.o.
    Ecuador, Quito

    Que bonitas mujeres, mucha razón tengo en decir y escoger al amor de mi vida, tiene que ser Rusa, no solo por su belleza, sino por su encanto, se les ve muy tiernas y dulces.
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    Reginaldo, 50 y.o.
    Brazil, Recife

    Conheci uma bela mulher neste site, Elena! fiquei encantado com tanta beleza nesta mulher, pena que não é tão fácil para vê-la pessoalmente, poder conversar, tocar seu corpo, sentir seu calor e ficar cara a cara, seria maravilhoso.
  • avatar

    Stefan, 45 y.o.
    Germany, Nurnberg

    ich habe die wunderbarste Frau hier gefunden. Vielen Dank
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    Pepp, 39 y.o.
    Italy, Taranto

    bel sito complimenti siete molto seri ciao
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    Giuseppe, 39 y.o.
    Italy, Brescia

    ho trovato alcune donne meravigliose con le quali comunicare e diventare amici. Chissa se un giorno il rapporto con una di loro potrà evolversi da diventare amore.

    Grazie il vostro sito è fantastico.
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    Ralf, 53 y.o.
    Austria, Villach

    Very good side and i hope i found my sweetheart
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    Pete, 50 y.o.
    United Kingdom, Bristol


    Oksana, 27 y.o.
    Belarus, Minsk

    I was successful (I hope), many thanks for a great site.
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    Marino, 57 y.o.
    Italy, Milano

    il sito e molto serio , mi è piaciuto molto , ho conosciuto la donna che amo e che avro vicino grazie
  • Riccardo, 56 y.o.
    Italy, Milano

    E' un ottimo sito,pero' ho trovato l'amore in altre circostanze,grazie per il vostro aiuto,siete sicuramente affidabili e seri,continuate cosi'.
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    Raf, 30 y.o.
    Mexico, Toluca


    Tatyana, 25 y.o.
    Belarus, Minsk

    We fell in love... I totally recomend this site!!! 100%!!!
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    Javier, 49 y.o.
    Spain, Granada


    Irina, 30 y.o.
    Russia, Moscow

    First of all, I want to give my more sinceorus congratulations to this web site, because it is the best Russian contact site I have visited (and I visited several). Here the clients pay for some monthly amount and we are free to communicate with all women we want and to schage personal details with them if we want, something that you cannot do with te others. Please, keep on this way, because you do things very well.
    Secondly, I want to communicate here that, thanks again to this site, I have finally find the woman I always dreamed about. It was like a "cyber-arrow shot", and now we are counting the days that rest to our first meeting, but love is already inside us.
    I found excellent women here in the past and with some of them I began a relationship, but without success for one reason or another. Now it is different, now I know that this woman will be the woman I will age with.
    Thanks once more to this web site.
    Luck for everybody.
    A happy man from Spain.
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    Forhad, 25 y.o.
    USA, Astoria, NY

    I think it is one of the best site to find a life partner . what ever I got or not . management system is just awesome and unbelievable .really appreciate and god bless you guys .I have never seen a site like this ....
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    Roberto, 37 y.o.
    Italy, Bologna

    I've never thought that this could happen to me. I was really sceptical about the chance to find love on a dating site, though i hoped this was a good way to meet interesting people with common interests and goals. But finally i've found my cup of tea. I don't know if this love will last for one month, one year or forever, but I only know that without this dating site this exciting adventure could never happen to me. So keep on searching, guys: love is waiting for you!
  • Eliel, 35 y.o.
    Brazil, Sergipe

    Eu fico estupefato qdo contemplo essas beldades russas. Tudo e belíssimas. Jamais acredito que conquistarei alguma.
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